
got .lost.Reggie and Su-san had a marvelous story about how
they gol lured into the press box by the radio announcer
who was calling the game on radio.(?)Reggie said they talked
on the radio, and warned their mother's that they would prob-
ably be late going home.The backup announcer was anxious to
give them a tour of the press boxes and have them meet, all
the newspaper reporters.I tried to imagine how thrilling that
must have been,but I cauldn11.Newspaper men struck me as
extremely boring; and one tracked;mind-wise, that Is.But I
didn't tell them that they sounded like they had a dull time
compared to Don &Wendy..Don & Wendy managed to get lost in
the locker rooms right before half-time.That way they got
hooted out before there was any other sign of life Inthere.
After that.,there was a half-time show,which no one saw,luck-
ily, in which Don & Wendy were the unscheduled main attract-
ion.When they went down the elevator from the locker room:,
they, walked right into a little red cage.They hadn't an 1-
dea what was happening when the cage started -floating, and
moving; up toward the field.After about two seconds, ther saw
that they were in the firemans cage on a. fire, engine.Wendy
began screaming; her head off, and Don was. preparing: to jump
off when they suddenly came into the light of the huge sta-
dium lights that lit up the entire stadium.Then,they complete-
ly froze.The fire engine was on the field because the owner
of the team had a reputation for making unusual entrences,
and this was one. of them.There was never supposed to be any—1
one on the cage, so they didn't interrupt any thing,but a few
people did notice,and they made quit a fuss about it.Don
tried to think of a wise comment to say to- Wendy,hut was un-
successful.Don wasn't, quite sure about thimgs up there,and
he couldn't help farting the whole time he was up there.
Wendy was going, completely nauseous In the gross fumes of the
fire, engine and the natural disasters happening inside, of
Don Preston.When,at long last,they did get off the fire en-
gine,, they were almost kicked out of the stadium for distur-
bing the peace of the game.The police got burned when they
- Author
- mark thomas